machong msw plant project leachate spray treatment system-凯时k66

column:case study time:2019-07-01

project description:

machong msw plant was invested and constructed by dongguan dongshi new energy co,. ltd. the power plant collected municiple solid wastes for innocent treatment from shuixiang, machong, zhongtang, etc. the power plant had a daily waste treatment capacity of 1500 tons. once put into operation, the annual power generating capacity could reach 200 million kwh.

stc provided one set of leachate spray treatment system with a daily leachate treatment capacity of 90 tons. the system pumped the original leachate from the leachate treatment station finally to the furnace chamber after several steps like sedimentation, pump transferring, atomization, etc. the gasification of leachate would proceed immediately. the excessive moisture would be brought out by the flue gas. in this case, the power plant could reach its aim of zero emission.


process design:

tpm (leachate transfer pump module) pumps the original concentrated leachate from the leachate treatment station to ltm. tpm is equipped with a pneumatic on-off valve, which allows remote control. ltm is equipped with level switches for valve interlocks incase of overflowing.

the solution in ltm is transferred from icm to cmm (control and management module) through ipm. based on the real-time combustion condition, emitted doses in fixed direction will be allocated. the solution will then be sprayed to the furnace chamber through injectors.
